• This issue looks at the steel industry as it enters the 21st century, including reviews of detailing and design software and surrounding issues.
  • This issue looks at the use of steel in improving traffic flow as well as steel education issues and the birth of the Steel Structures Education Foundation.
  • This issue looks at the Steel Plate Shear Wall evolution in North America.
  • This issue looks at the "Rebirth of Steel" as Advantage Steel Magazine returns after an 18 month dormancy. The Steel Structures Education Foundations launches the first Student Design Competition.
  • Whether its tight construction deadlines, fire-protection innovation, or offering a sustainable environmental solution, this issue provides a close up look at how Canadians from coast-to-coast are benefiting from the advantages of structural steel. Also read about the role structural steel plays in research and education. 
  • Read about a steel “fly-over” bridge in Alberta and how Canadians hold a commanding lead in the production and use of HSS. Learn how to achieve a 30% energy saving over the Model National Energy Code or a Silver LEED rating, as in the new GTAA’s Institute. Christopher Hume explains how “we now inhabit the Age of Steel” . 
  • This issue launches our three part special, Steel and Other Materials with Part One - Steel and Glass. Other articles include a "fast" bridge reconstruction in Quebec, a steel low-rise condo project in Ontario and a dynamic steel reuse project by BMW in Toronto. 
  • Part Two of Steel and Other Materials continues with Steel and Wood. Steel comes to the rescue of a Quebec condo building and in developing a dream roof-top garden in Toronto. Also included are our ever-popular overviews of the 2007 Alberta and Ontario Steel Design Awards and the year's Scholarships and Awards. 
  • Our series Steel and Other Materials concludes with Steel and Concrete. A new series begins on Residential Construction with Hybrid Steel and Hollow-core Systems. The Canadian Matrix: A Category Approach for Specifying AESS with its handy pull-out centrefold is a sure to be classic. Also included; the BC and Quebec 2007 Design Awards. 
  • The Residential Construction series continues with The Staggered Truss System. A new column For Green’s Sake is launched. Other highlights include: A Tale of Two LEEDs, Courses Between Courses, Quality Steel Fabrication Assured,  and the 2008 Ontario Design Awards. 
    • Fire Protection at the Vancouver Convention Centre
    • 3D Modelling Significantly Simplifies the Construction Process of the VCC
    • Kicking Horse Canyon Project
    • The Deconstruction and Rebuilding of 740 Rue Bel-Air Montreal, Quebec
    • Scholarships and Awards Summary
    • Residential Construction, Part Three: Joist Floor Systems
    • Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project
    • 2008 BC and Quebec Steel Design Awards
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