Join us this weekend for the first CSCE-CISC Canadian National Steel Bridge Competition (CNSBC), co-hosted by the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) at McGill University. Teams from across Canada have put in countless hours of hard-work and dedication, using the engineering skills they have learned in the classroom to build the incredible bridges that will be on display this weekend.

The main objective of the competition is for engineering students to design a bridge while following specifications based off of real engineering projects. The goal is to make a bridge that is as light and strong as possible, all while having a quick assembly time for the day of the competition. The final product is ranked by assigning a monetary value to each element of the competition, with the most economic bridge winning. The Canadian competition distinguishes itself from the American competition by including a new category that will be judged: architecture. This addition will create a new challenge for the teams, and will surely result in creative and unique designs.

The participating universities include: ETS, McGill, Polytechnique Montreal, UBC and Waterloo

Visitors are welcome during the following times:
Saturday, May 14th
9:00am-11:00am: Steel Bridge Display, SSMU Ballroom, McGill University (Lower field, weather permitting)
13:00pm-18:00pm: Steel Bridge main competition

For more info visit:
