Global Standards Scramble to React to Non-Conforming Material
Reputable global EPCs (Engineering, Procurement, Construction ) operating in Canada know something that you may not. They are mandating that all steel used on their projects be produced/rolled in North [...]
The CISC Project Solutions Service
CISC PROJECT SOLUTIONS SERVICES: Helping you select the most efficient and economical structural framing solution for your next project! CISC PROJECT SOLUTIONS SERVICES A complimentary service provided by our in-house [...]
CISC’s new Steel Section Dimensions App is now available on Google Play and the Apple App store!
Steel Section Dimensions provides the main section dimensions (d, b, t, w) of structural steel shapes listed in the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction, 11th Edition. Dimensions can be displayed [...]
ASTM F1554: A Standard for Anchor Rods
ASTM F1554 covers three grades of anchor rods: Grade 36 (248 MPa), Grade 55 (380 MPa) and Grade 105 (724 MPa). The vast majority of anchor rods (as defined in [...]
Availability of Structural Steel in Canada
Designers must consider material availability when specifying section sizes, particularly for the heavier sizes in a nominal size range, and for small quantities of the less commonly used sizes. As [...]
CISC provides the Steel Knowledge BLOG as a part of its commitment to the education of those interested in the use of steel in construction. Neither CISC nor the authors assume responsibility for errors or oversights resulting from the use of the information contained herein. When a solution is suggested it may not necessarily apply to a particular structure or application, and is not intended to replace the expertise of a professional engineer, architect or other licensed professional.