The RCSC Specification
The Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC) Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts provides state-of-the-art criteria for design and installation of ASTM high-strength bolts and assemblies. These recommendations become [...]
W-Shape Availability in the New Handbook
One of the most prominent features in the Handbook of Steel Construction, 11th edition, is the addition of availability data for wide-flange or W-shape sections. In Parts 4, 5 and [...]
Welded Double Angle Beam Connection
For common knife‑edge simple beam shear connection as shown in the figure below, it appears that the shear resistance can be improved by welding across the top edge of the [...]
Bolted Connections for Seismic Applications
Bolted connections, used in seismic‑force‑resisting systems (SFRS) for which the seismic design loads are based on a ductility‑related force modification factor, Rd, greater than 1.5, must satisfy Clause 27.1.6 of [...]
A Common Rehabilitation Solution for An Outdated Detail
The bolted detail shown in Figure 1 below is a popular detail in bridge retrofitting. The CSA Standard S6, Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, requires that cross-frame connection plates be [...]
CISC provides the Steel Knowledge BLOG as a part of its commitment to the education of those interested in the use of steel in construction. Neither CISC nor the authors assume responsibility for errors or oversights resulting from the use of the information contained herein. When a solution is suggested it may not necessarily apply to a particular structure or application, and is not intended to replace the expertise of a professional engineer, architect or other licensed professional.