CISC Launches New Steel Design Series
As part of a continuing effort to provide current and practical information for engineers, architects, designers, educators, fabricators and others interested in the use of steel in construction, the CISC [...]
Structural Steel Pocket Data – 2017 Edition
The newly published 2017 edition of Structural Steel Pocket Data contains the main section dimensions (d, b, t, w) of structural sections listed in the current Handbook of Steel Construction, [...]
Shear Stud Detailing
CSA S16-14 requirements for shear stud detailing aim mainly at ensuring that the studs will reach their design capacity as the composite member reaches its ultimate load. The accompanying figure [...]
Advantages of Composite Truss Construction
A composite truss consists of a steel truss fabricated from rolled sections, such as HSS, angles and WT, and a concrete slab atop the steel truss. Composite action between steel [...]
Transfer of Shear Forces at the Base of a Column
Typically, a shear lug(s) is used to transfer large shear forces between a column base and the foundation (See Figure). Anchor rods are generally used to position, level and secure [...]
CISC provides the Steel Knowledge BLOG as a part of its commitment to the education of those interested in the use of steel in construction. Neither CISC nor the authors assume responsibility for errors or oversights resulting from the use of the information contained herein. When a solution is suggested it may not necessarily apply to a particular structure or application, and is not intended to replace the expertise of a professional engineer, architect or other licensed professional.