CSA S16-14 requirements for shear stud detailing aim mainly at ensuring that the studs will reach their design capacity as the composite member reaches its ultimate load.
The accompanying figure shows a steel deck rib of average width, wd, and height, hd, supported on a girder with the deck ribs parallel to the girder. The headed shear stud has a height, h, and diameter, d. According to Clause, the stud must have sufficient height in relation to its diameter and must project at least two diameters above the top surface of the deck:
h/d ≥ 4 [1]
h – hd ≥ 2d [2]
There are also geometric requirements related to the thickness, t, and width, b, of the supporting girder flange (Clauses 17.6.5 and 17.9.1), to ensure adequate weld resistance of the welded stud:
d ≤ 2.5 t [3]
b ≥ 1.4 d + 20 mm [4]
The equation numbers [1] to [4] are shown on the figure. Other requirements in S16 deal with the minimum, maximum and average longitudinal spacing of the studs ( and 17.8), and the minimum number of studs required for partial composite action (17.9.4).