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Towards a Performance Based Fire Design Framework for Composite Steel Deck Construction in CanadaCISCWebAdmin2017-04-03T11:54:43-04:00
Development of Ry, Rt Factors and Probable Brace Resistance Axial Loads for the Seismic Design of Bracing Connections and Other MembersCISCWebAdmin2017-10-25T11:48:45-04:00
Offset HSS ConnectionsCISCWebAdmin2017-04-03T11:55:48-04:00
Effective Weld Properties for Connections of Round HSSCISCWebAdmin2017-04-03T11:56:01-04:00
Promoting Steel as a Material of Choice in Bridge Infrastrucutres: Current and Future InnovationsCISCWebAdmin2017-10-25T11:44:41-04:00
Hot-Dip Galvanized Hollow Structural Sections – Crack Prevention and Mechanical BehaviourCISCWebAdmin2017-10-25T11:43:10-04:00
Performance Based Seismic Design of Steel Bridges According to CHBDC S6-14CISCWebAdmin2022-08-12T10:13:47-04:00
Fatigue Behaviour and Design of Shear Connectors in Steel-Precast Composite GirdersCISCWebAdmin2017-10-25T11:49:27-04:00
Completing the Load Path for Controlled Rocking Steel Braced FramesCISCWebAdmin2017-10-24T17:08:37-04:00
An Improved Connection for Seismically Designed Concentrically Braced FramesCISCWebAdmin2022-08-12T10:13:23-04:00
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