The fourth edition of Crane-Supporting Steel Structures: Design Guide, by R.A. MacCrimmon, is now available at the CISC Steel Store (
Past editions of this CISC publication have filled a long-standing need for technical information for the design and construction of crane-supporting steel structures according to Canadian codes and standards written in limit states format. This fourth edition (see Figure 1) is intended to be used in conjunction with the National Building Code of Canada, 2020, CSA S16:19, and Limit States Design in Structural Steel (11th Edition). Previous editions of these standards and documents have not covered many loading and design issues of crane-supporting steel structures in sufficient detail.

Figure 1
Crane-Supporting Steel Structures, 4th Edition
While many references are available (as given in the design guide), they do not cover loads and load combinations for limit states design in accordance with Canadian practice, nor are they well correlated to the class of cranes being supported. Classes of cranes are defined in CSA Standard B167 or in specifications of the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA). The CISC guide provides information on how to apply the current Canadian codes and standards to aspects of the design of crane-supporting structures such as loads, load combinations, repeated loads, notional loads, mono-symmetric sections, analysis for torsion, stepped columns and tolerances.
Besides the necessary updates related to changes in the design provisions of CSA S16:19, Design of Steel Structures, changes to North American practice (as reflected in the references) have been incorporated in this edition as well.
Detailed calculations are provided for two design examples of crane runway beams, which are supplemented by many illustrations. New additions to this updated edition include a section on cranes with guide rollers and a detailed stepped column design example (see Figure 2).

Figure 2
Design Example Featuring Stepped Columns