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So far CISCWebAdmin has created 512 blog entries.

L’ICCA lance une nouvelle série sur la conception de structures en acier

Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus pour fournir de l’information actuelle et pratique aux ingénieurs, aux architectes, aux concepteurs, aux enseignants, aux fabricants et à tous ceux qui s’intéressent à l’utilisation de l’acier dans la construction, l’ICCA a récemment lancé une nouvelle série de modules concis sur la conception de structures en acier (considérés comme [...]

2017-07-04T10:16:03-04:00June 28th, 2017|Tags: |

CISC Launches New Steel Design Series

As part of a continuing effort to provide current and practical information for engineers, architects, designers, educators, fabricators and others interested in the use of steel in construction, the CISC recently launched a new series of concise steel design modules. Each module of the Steel Design Series (SDS) focuses on a steel design topic. The SDS [...]

2017-09-01T12:03:16-04:00June 28th, 2017|Tags: |

Structural Steel Pocket Data – 2017 Edition

The newly published 2017 edition of Structural Steel Pocket Data contains the main section dimensions (d, b, t, w) of structural sections listed in the current Handbook of Steel Construction, 11th edition. Intended for outdoor use by fabricators, erectors, designers, estimators and detailers, the booklet is printed on water-resistant and tear-resistant paper. The contents are as [...]

2021-08-31T11:04:34-04:00June 26th, 2017|Tags: |

L’ICCA-Québec a fêté les réalisations de l’industrie de l’acier à l’Écomusée du fier monde!

https://youtu.be/VYGJKtgkbDU Hier soir à l’Écomusée du fier monde, l’ICCA Québec a fêté les réalisations passées et futures de l’industrie de l’acier! Nous avons profité d’une activité qui nous avis permis de célébrer l’ensemble de nos projets dans cette grande ville qu’est Montréal. Dans le cadre du 375e anniversaire de Montréal, c’était nécessaire de souligner l’importance des [...]

2017-06-23T17:32:03-04:00June 22nd, 2017|

CISC Quebec celebrates steel industry achievements at the Écomusée du fier monde!

https://youtu.be/VYGJKtgkbDU Last night at the Écomusée du fier monde, CISC Québec celebrated the past and future achievements of the steel industry! We took advantage of an activity that allowed us to celebrate all of our projects in this great city of Montreal. As part of Montreal's 375th anniversary, it was necessary to emphasize the importance of [...]

2017-06-23T17:11:35-04:00June 22nd, 2017|

L’institut Canadien de la Construction En Acier (ICCA), Région Québec Demande la Collaboration du Gouvernement Provincial

Montréal, Québec, 15 juin 2017 – Les fabricants et associés en provenance de la province de Québec étaient présents à l'Assemblée nationale le 14 juin, afin de partager leur vision sur l’importance de la collaboration entre les élus et les membres de l’industrie de l’acier. L’ICCA a demandé au gouvernement du Québec à appliquer les mêmes règles [...]

2017-06-16T09:03:41-04:00June 16th, 2017|

CISC Quebec Day at the Legislature

Montreal, Quebec, June 15, 2017 – On June 14, Quebec Fabricators and Associates attended the Day at the Legislature to share their vision on the importance of collaboration between elected officials and members of the steel industry. The CISC has called upon the Government of Quebec to apply the same rules to everyone, encourage local procurement [...]

2017-06-16T08:57:21-04:00June 16th, 2017|

CISC anti-dumping trade case: CITT detailed findings & reasons

Further to our last announcement that the CISC had won our anti-dumping trade case on fabricated industrial structural steel components (FISC), please find attached a more detailed document from the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) which explains the findings and reasons behind the CITT decision. This again marks a great win and a significant achievement for our [...]

2017-06-12T09:08:22-04:00June 9th, 2017|

Shear Stud Detailing

CSA S16-14 requirements for shear stud detailing aim mainly at ensuring that the studs will reach their design capacity as the composite member reaches its ultimate load. The accompanying figure shows a steel deck rib of average width, wd, and height, hd, supported on a girder with the deck ribs parallel to the girder. The headed [...]

2017-05-31T15:17:00-04:00May 31st, 2017|Tags: |


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