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So far Ed Whalen has created 495 blog entries.

Join Prompt Payment Ontario at their second Advocacy Day at Queen’s Park!

Prompt Payment Ontario is inviting Ontarians and construction industry stakeholders to join them on Wednesday, May 17th, 2017 for their second Queen’s Park Advocacy Day! They want you to voice your support! The Canadian government has committed to introducing prompt payment legislation in spring 2017. Prompt Payment Ontario stresses that it’s vital for our government to [...]

2017-05-25T15:03:13-04:00April 26th, 2017|

L’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada a rendu des décisions définitives de dumping à l’égard de certains CUIA

Le 25 avril 2017, conformément à l’alinéa 41(1)(a) de la Loi sur les mesures spéciales d’importation (LMSI), l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) a rendu des décisions définitives de dumping à l’égard de certains composants usinés industriels en acier (CUIA) originaires ou exportés de la République populaire de Chine (Chine), de la République de Corée [...]

2017-05-10T13:58:08-04:00April 25th, 2017|

L’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada a rendu des décisions définitives de dumping à l’égard de certains CUIA

Le 25 avril 2017, conformément à l’alinéa 41(1)(a) de la Loi sur les mesures spéciales d’importation (LMSI), l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) a rendu des décisions définitives de dumping à l’égard de certains composants usinés industriels en acier (CUIA) originaires ou exportés de la République populaire de Chine (Chine), de la République de Corée [...]

2017-05-25T15:23:27-04:00April 25th, 2017|

CISC Saskatchewan Region participates in the SK Construction Association’s Day at the Legislature on April 4th in Regina

CISC Saskatchewan Region participated in the first  Day at the Legislature on April 4th in Regina hosted by the Saskatchewan Construction Assoc as part of the Saskatchewan Construction Week. Representing the CISC were Peter Davis of Weldfab and Neil Kaarsemaker Regional Manager Saskatchewan & Alberta. They joined a delegation of 15 construction industry representatives that met [...]

2017-05-25T15:34:52-04:00April 25th, 2017|

Canada Border Services Agency issues final determination of dumping for FISC products

On April 25, 2017, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), pursuant to paragraph 41(1)(a) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), made final determinations of dumping in respect of certain fabricated industrial steel components (FISC) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (China), the Republic of Korea (Korea) and the Kingdom of Spain [...]

2017-05-25T15:34:34-04:00April 25th, 2017|

Canada Border Services Agency issues final determination of dumping for FISC products

On April 25, 2017, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), pursuant to paragraph 41(1)(a) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), made final determinations of dumping in respect of certain fabricated industrial steel components (FISC) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (China), the Republic of Korea (Korea) and the Kingdom of Spain [...]

2017-05-25T15:06:22-04:00April 25th, 2017|

Tremper dans l’acier & L’utilisation de l’acier sur les chantiers du Québec!

Le reportage dans la revue Industrie & Commerce de l’industrie de l’acier et de l’ICCA de la région Québec et l’article sur la construction de bâtiments institutionnels, commerciaux et industriels publie dans le magazine ‘Construire’ par l’association provinciale de construction du Québec (ACQ). En savoir plus-reportage dans la revue Industrie & Commerce En savoir plus-article dans le [...]

2017-05-25T15:23:27-04:00April 20th, 2017|
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