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So far Ed Whalen has created 495 blog entries.

CISC to promote steel at Construct Canada 2017

As Canada's largest exposition and conference on the design, construction, and renovation of all types of buildings, Construct Canada will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre from Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2017. One Stop Solution – Attendees can learn about the full range of new products, technologies and solutions for the entire spectrum [...]

2017-12-20T10:32:33-05:00November 27th, 2017|

New Handbook Updates with Revised Tables – 2017

This publication contains the revisions and updates which have been incorporated into the 3rd Revised Printing of the 11th Edition of the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction. The list includes all revisions previously published in List No. 2 (4 October 2017), in addition to full reproductions of tables and pages that were revised due to [...]

2018-01-25T10:05:11-05:00November 22nd, 2017|

CISC makes the case for steel at affordable housing charrette

The CISC participated in presentations and a panel discussion between wood, steel and concrete, and made the case for why steel should be the material of choice for affordable housing construction. We presented various innovative steel framing solutions, and the results of our steel vs. concrete case study which demonstrates a savings of $1 million for [...]

2017-11-30T10:30:12-05:00November 20th, 2017|

L’ICCA argumente en faveur de l’acier lors d’une charrette sur les logements abordables

L’ICCA a participé à des présentations et à un débat d’experts sur le bois, l’acier et le béton. L’ICCA devait expliquer pourquoi l’acier est le matériau de choix, en ce qui concerne les coûts, pour la construction résidentielle. Nous avons présenté diverses solutions novatrices de charpentes d’acier ainsi que les résultats de notre étude comparative entre [...]

2017-12-12T17:10:59-05:00November 20th, 2017|

Another fully sprinklered wood building for seniors burns down

Wood is a combustible building material and the most susceptible to catching fire with devastating consequences to life and property. Over the past few years, we have witnessed deadly fires in several buildings in various stages of construction around the world. As recently as early November, we had a deadly five-alarm fire at the Barclay Friends [...]

2017-12-05T11:41:49-05:00November 18th, 2017|

CISC Saskatchewan Associate recognized for contributions to engineering industry

CISC Associate, Rick Kullman, P.Eng., was honored with the 2017 Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Meritorious Achievement Award by the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies in Saskatchewan. Receiving his award at the 2017 Awards of Distinction Reception on Nov 7, 2017, Kullman was recognized for his successful career and his tremendous contributions to the engineering industry.   [...]

2017-12-12T17:02:38-05:00November 10th, 2017|

Reconnaissance d’un associé de l’ICCA en Saskatchewan pour sa contribution à l’industrie de l’ingénierie

L’Association of Consulting Engineering Companies de la Saskatchewan a remis le prix du mérite du lieutenant-gouverneur de la province à M. Rick Kullman, ingénieur et associé de l’ICCA. M. Kullman a été récompensé lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix de distinction 2017 qui a eu lieu le 7 novembre dernier, à l’occasion de laquelle il a été reconnu [...]

2017-12-12T17:02:40-05:00November 10th, 2017|
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