Over the past weekend, forty-three teams from around the world participated in the the AISC 2017 National Student Steel Bridge Competition in Corvallis, Oregon. It was an exciting event that showcased talent, innovation and engineering excellence as the student teams went head to head designing and constructing their bridge structures.
For a second year in a row, Ecole de Technologie Superieure won 1st place Overall. ETS also won 2nd place in the Efficiency category and 3rd place in the Construction Speed, Weight and economy categories. Lakehead won 1st place in the Display category.
The results for the Canadian teams and the top 3 are as follows:
Construction Speed (sec)
1 Lafayette College 3.55
2 University of California Berkeley 4.25
3 Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4.28
4 Lakehead University 4.50
17 University of British Columbia 9.00
33 Universite Laval 19.38
(both Lafayette and Berkley used slider temporary piers which will probably be outlawed for the next competition.)
Weight (lb)
1 California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo 97.0
2 University of Alaska Fairbanks 100.8
3 Ecole de Technologie Superieure 100.8
9 Lakehead University 129.8
25 University of British Columbia 175.0
36 Universite Laval 361.2
(ties were broken based on the display scores)
1 Lakehead University
2 Youngstown State University
3 California State University, Northridge
17 Universite Laval
27 University of British Columbia
35 Ecole de Technologie Superieure
Deflection (in)
1 Tongji University 0.62
2 Missouri – Kansas City 0.62
3 Lafayette College 0.69
6 Ecole de Technologie Superieure 0.83
13 Lakehead University 1.07
29 Universite Laval 1.55
38 University of British Columbia 3.09
1 Lafayette College $592,500
2 UC Berkeley $697,500
3 Ecole de Technologie Superieure $702,500
4 Lakehead University $930,000
17 University of British Columbia $1,860,000
28 Universite Laval $2,967,500
1 California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo $1,740,000
2 Ecole de Technologie Superieure $1,838,000
3 SUNY Canton $2,012,000
12 Lakehead University $2,368,000
34 University of British Columbia $4,840,000
35 Universite Laval $5,162,000
1 Ecole de Technologie Superieure $2,540,500
2 Lafayette College $2,630,500
3 California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo $2,797,500
5 Lakehead University $3,298,000
27 University of British Columbia $6,700,000
30 Universite Laval $8,129,500
The full results can be seen at http://www.nssbc.info/History/2017NSSBCRankings.pdf or http://www.nssbc.info/History/2017NSSBC_NationalResults.xlsx
To learn more about the CSCE CISC Canadian Bridge Competition 2017 results – click here
Congratulations to all the winning teams!