We are pleased to report that our advocacy efforts have had a strong impact in Ottawa including recent comments by our Prime Minister and other parliamentarians acknowledging the important role that the Steel industry plays in Canada, and supporting our key platforms.
We received significant media coverage in numerous media outlets including Bloomberg TV. Over 160 journalists viewed our press release and it appeared on 27 websites such as Daily Commercial News, Journal of Commerce, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Vancouver Sun and National Post. Below is a sample of our media coverage:
a) Bloomberg TV: http://bloombergtv.ca/2016-04-08/uncategorized/infrastructure-spend-should-stay-in-canada-cisc/
b) Daily Commercial News: http://dailycommercialnews.com/Associations/News/2016/4/CISC-pressures-Ottawa-on-prompt-payment-1014735W/
c) Journal of Commerce: http://journalofcommerce.com/Government/News/2016/4/CISC-takes-prompt-payment-to-Parliament-Hill-1014779W/
d) National Post : http://www.nationalpost.com/m/wp/blog.html?b=news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/john-ivison-trudeau-takes-protectionist-tone-as-pressure-grows-for-buy-canadian-program
e) Ottawa Citizen: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/cnw/release.html?rkey=20160330C3337&filter=5609