L’ICCA met en ligne une multitude de ressources techniques sur certains des sujets les plus complexes en matière de conception, de fabrication et de montage en acier. Notre site Web comprend le blogue de l’ICCA Savoir acier, des foires aux questions, des codes et normes à jour, les Modules de conception en acier, la Série sur la conception en acier, des formations autonomes en ligne, ainsi que d’autres publications électroniques téléchargeables et applications.

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Révisions et errata


Handbook of Steel Construction, 12th Edition

Handbook of Steel Construction, 11th Edition

Handbook Updates with Revised Tables – 2017

Limit States Design in Structural Steel, 10th Edition

Straight Steel Girder Bridges, 2nd Edition

Moment Connections for Seismic Applications, 3rd Edition, 2019

Eccentrically Loaded Weld Groups – Design Module 2, 1st Edition 2019

Single-Storey Building Design, 1st Edition

Single-Storey Building Design – Design Aid

Steel Design Series

Crane-Supporting Steel Structures, 3rd Edition

Handbook of Steel Construction, 10th Edition

Advantage Steel

  • No. 44 – Fall 2012

Revisions to the Technical Column in the Fall 2012 issue No. 44 (p. 12) can be found on page 6 in:
Advantage Steel No. 57 – Winter 2017


Structural Section Tables (SST12) Excel Database



“The essential handbook for structural steel design in Canada, using current Code procedures and currently available steel sections. You can’t do structural steel design without having this handbook open on your desk.”


“Fantastic book, quick shipping. Book arrived in an extremely timely manner and provides me with all the information I need for my courses in University as well as my future in Steel Design”


“Toujours une référence incontournable. La qualité y est encore, de même que nombreux commentaires et exemples tout aussi appropriés que les tableaux”


“Great book for 2nd year civil engineering students”


“One of my favourite books; I can design anything with this beast!”


“A must in any engineer’s library working in Canada”


“The best damn tool in your arsenal.”


“This is a must if you are a civil engineering student.”